10 Mart 2014 Pazartesi



A- Local governments become more powerful than the general government/economical benefits
B- Local governments started to take precautions in order to protect citizens of Izmir
C- Population of Izmir has exceeded 7 million in 2054
D- Izmir will become a much more streesful city to live than it is today
E- A shift to "basics"
F- Local Government will propose a system for Inciraltı. People will be chosen by depending on their applications and they will live a sustainable and healthy life for a week.


A- Petrol consumption will be decreased
B- Technology is being used for the goodness of the people
C- Clean cars are being used more efficiently
D- Local government forces Inciraltı as a self-sustaining neighbourhood


A- Dam levels in Izmir region become very unstable because of the unpredictable precipitation
B- Local government encourages the usage of geothermal, solar energy etc.
C- Rooftops are being used more efficiently

"Inciraltı will become a unique region in Izmir. The local government will hire architects to design the area, the area will be designed with a simple understanding since the lifestyle shift towards th basics. People of Izmir will make applications to local government and if their applications will be accepted they will live a self sustaining and healthy life for a week. With in that week they will detox from all the negative effects that 2054's Izmir Urban area produce. This will be funded by a small amount of tax that local government will collect.

I as an architect and a citizen of Izmir will give my application to local government and if it will be accepted i will live there a one week in a sustainable and basic way with my friends. I will detox and gain energy from my one week"

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