13 Nisan 2014 Pazar

Week 7 - PIN UP

Everything began with a Opportinities and threats analysis in order to understand the site and the vicinity well schemeatically. According to the analysis the most undesireable part of the site was the southwestern corner due to its closeness to the city (which is a chaotic and unwated place according to the scenario), lagoons provided a good environment for natural interaction and view, Inciralti city forest should stay as same as possible since it is one of the rarely natural left sites that are so close to city center.

Depending on the op/th analysis the placement of elements begin. Iıt was kinda like zoning approach but withouth too much strict limitations. It was more for deciding on the locations in a logical way.

STEP 1 - Just creating the building row depending on a logical way which would hug the winds.

STEP 2 - Creating wind corridors depending on the dominant wind locations in the Inciraltı region which is north and northeast.

Final version of the masterplan with the programming of the population which will saty there depending on the number of units.

Final version of the masterplan

Flythrough of the project which shows its relation with the entire context in a 3D way


Square of transition is the project site. It has a philosophical understanding behind it; it is the first place when people will be entering Inciralti - just like the first portal for transition. Transition of people, transition of their well being...

The square has also a philosophical understanding behind it in terms of form-wise, there are big overhang roof over the small structures refers to the "shelter" idea in a basic understanding.

Section of the square of transition showing the basic understanding of the shelter idea.

Final version of the pin up poster.

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