18 Mayıs 2014 Pazar

WEEK 12 - Landscape Design

Landscape design contributes to overall design by continuing to apply the existing design lines. The main corridors are shaped by the main circulation routes such as seen as the geometry from the tram stop through the project entrance.

There is also a shift from the curvylinear understanding of the nature through the orthogonal understanding of the project

Tthe tram stp which is a important node for circultaion in the project

Plan view of the central plaza which is aimed to become a important public space in the project with bringing people together with different aims.. Stairs + Artwork + Queen palm trees + rock sand for the ground cover.

Interaction between the elements which is

1. The artwork which will become a node in the project
2.The stairs are perfect for sitting and observing people
3.People walking will also become a part of this all interaction

The process of the creation of the artwork, the logic is simple - two papers onto one other, one will be twisted and be put on to it. Tthe space that will be left bleak will be for water.

Plan view of the interaction of other elements on the waterfront side. Caponies + Waterfront panels which will be made from bamboo in order to achieve new visual opportunities + Washington palm trees + Grass

An example of the canopy which will be a good urban element for seating/resting and shelter.

Combination of the queen palm tree and rocky sand ground for the ground cover. Tthis combination of two will create a interesting visual quality which i believe will be perfect for this project

Washington palm trees which will be used with grass for ground cover

9 Mayıs 2014 Cuma

WEEK 11 - Plan Development & Introduction to Landscaping

Building layout changed in the plan because of the lack of movement in the placement of the blocks. This actually solved 2 problem in the previous scheme. In the previous scheme gallery of past which is the most important building, did not stand out much as it needed so with the lines coming from the masterplan axis' gallery of past shifted towards the east a little. With this way when a person walks in one of the boulevards he/she will felt that there is a spatial change and this will make his/her notice to the building which is gallery of past.


Interior fittings and developments were done by hand in order to understand the scale more efficiently.

Masterplan is yet to be started and developed next week but here are some examples with certain spatial qualities. Tthe landscaped are should act as a glue between the buildings and it should excite people instead of boring them as a big open area. The decision is yet to be given if the landscaped area will have organic lines just like to side or orthogonal lines klike the buildings...One ting is certain the basic understanding with clean lines will be continued with lots of canopies and roofs!

3 Mayıs 2014 Cumartesi

WEEK 10 - Solar Exposure Analysis & Facade Creation

Here is the final 3 typologies which will physically create the project itself. All 3 typologies will be realized with the modular construction method.


Heavy gray walls in the typology 2 will carry the building in terms of structure. It will also help the water collection from roof.

Building typologies final version

Another step was creating a facade which comes out from solar exposure analysis. Since Izmir is a really hot and uncomfortable place in Summers the analysis was based on mid-Summer time.

Here is the definition which created the solar exposure/heat analysis for the mid of the summertime.

According to these analysis the facade is suppose to change depending on the changes in the solar exposure. Blue areas which are low solar exposure will have bigger openings while openings in the yellow facades will be significantly smaller. With this way a person who looks at the facade will able to notice the difference

Here is the facade changing its opening sizes depending on the solar exposure. The relation between the type 1 and type 2 is also quite visible in the drawing as well.

26 Nisan 2014 Cumartesi

WEEK9 - Midterm Board & Entrance to the building phase

Mid term Board

Building Phase starts by determinating the spatial qualities that we want to have and determine a clear methodology development for the creation of the building phase.

The lines are the continuation of the visual corridors. With this way the project evolves into cells by different qualities. This is perfect since according to the scenario premodular building will become very popular in the future and this is just the perfect method for it.

These are the qualities and typologies of those small rectangular cells. After ths development the project will evolve depending on the sun angles. Facade will evolve from the sun analyses which according to the current data south and south east facades are expected to need more protection from sun.


Water Collection system
Usage of local materials.

18 Nisan 2014 Cuma

WEEK 8 - Typology & Site Sections & Programme List & General Views

As been said in the pinup the typology part of the masterplan was missing. So some developments happened in order to catch up with this in this subject.

A typical view of a block from masterplan. The block itself contains small square blocks which are same in terms of design language however different thanks to their juxtaposition. The juxtaposition helps with breaking down the potential monotonous effect.

View of the small square blocks. A you can see the whole land is 20m x 20m which is quite useful in terms of planning thanks to its geometric shape. 

Detailed view of the units. Uunits are furnished and planned as simplistic as possible. There wont nbe much furniture of complexed interior spaces since according to future people will be looking and seacrhing for the basics.

Here the design language of the residentals are clearly understandable. Basic clean lines coming together with an modernistic understanding. It is as mod as summerhouses seen in vintage Palm Springs houses. MAD FOR MOD


1. Top view of the square of thransition showing the relationship of the overhang structures with the small scaled buildings underneath them.

2. Street view of the square of transition seen as a pedestrians perspective.

13 Nisan 2014 Pazar

WEEK 7 - SQUARE OF TRANSITION - Programming, Case Studies, Scaling

Square of transition will be located in the entrance of Inciraltı project. It will be a public area and it has a philosophical meaning behind it since it is the first place that people will go before they will experience a transition in Inciralti masterplan.

The square is imagined to be place where people will hang out and experience a notion of public space where they might be influenced under a certain ideology. Judging by this understanding it is best this square to have a mixed use usage, bringing different usages together.



According to these examples it was clear how the square of transition will be formed in terms of scaling and programming

Sqm calculation of the building fottprints and public areas figureatively

There are some design objective in square of transition such as
 -Series of interlocking and cascading spaces,
-Unexpected connections and vistas
           - Overhang roofs


INCIRALTI VISITOR CENTRE: A place where people can learn about the history of the project, make their applications to stay, learn more about the ideology of the project.


GALLERY OF PAST: A gallery space which explains how future projections were made in the past and how they failed/succeed. Also it gives explanation on how people lived in a basic way in the past.

WATERFRONT OFFICES: Administrational offices


Week 7 - PIN UP

Everything began with a Opportinities and threats analysis in order to understand the site and the vicinity well schemeatically. According to the analysis the most undesireable part of the site was the southwestern corner due to its closeness to the city (which is a chaotic and unwated place according to the scenario), lagoons provided a good environment for natural interaction and view, Inciralti city forest should stay as same as possible since it is one of the rarely natural left sites that are so close to city center.

Depending on the op/th analysis the placement of elements begin. Iıt was kinda like zoning approach but withouth too much strict limitations. It was more for deciding on the locations in a logical way.

STEP 1 - Just creating the building row depending on a logical way which would hug the winds.

STEP 2 - Creating wind corridors depending on the dominant wind locations in the Inciraltı region which is north and northeast.

Final version of the masterplan with the programming of the population which will saty there depending on the number of units.

Final version of the masterplan

Flythrough of the project which shows its relation with the entire context in a 3D way


Square of transition is the project site. It has a philosophical understanding behind it; it is the first place when people will be entering Inciralti - just like the first portal for transition. Transition of people, transition of their well being...

The square has also a philosophical understanding behind it in terms of form-wise, there are big overhang roof over the small structures refers to the "shelter" idea in a basic understanding.

Section of the square of transition showing the basic understanding of the shelter idea.

Final version of the pin up poster.

4 Nisan 2014 Cuma

Week 6 - Masterplan Finalization & Landscaping

Masterplan phase moves foward with the finalization of the elements being placed in a logical manner. As you can see residentals are placed along the waterfront for the high desireability of the location while the utilities are placed on the southwestern corner of the side which is the most isolated location in the project area. Üçkuyular Pier and Marina which is redeveloped is integrated very well with the entire plan.

Opportunities and Threats

Development of the masterplan showing the development step by step

Landscaping will be a crucial element in the masterplan. There will be several types of landscaping in the plan located in specific regions.

Gardens District

This specific district will be between the residentals and well-being areas. This district will have a certain landscaping strategy. It is all about bringing different types of landscaping elements together with an extreme understanding

Combination of different landscaping elements placed with an extreme understanding

Hills District

Hills are located on the southern side of the side in order to block the urban view which will be quite undesireable in the future depending on the projected scenario.

Green hills will be walkable which can be used for walkways and observational purposes.

Final Version of Masterplan

A place for the future citizens of Izmir...

A multicultural people formation living in harmony..

28 Mart 2014 Cuma

Week 5 - Development of the Masterplan

Wind will play a very crucial role in the development of the masterplan. With the right usage of wind the area will have right amount of air quality as much as a certain amount of freshness. 

If we look at the existing wind conditions in the Inciralti area we see that annually the wind direction is dominantly from north and northwest. It is also same in the summer season which is quite important for the comfortableness of the people.

Prevailing Wind directions (1.Annual 2.Summer)

So the alignment of the residentals were placed best way to embrace the wind. Some corridors with specific angles opened continously in order to create wind corridors.

Creating corridors between the blocks are done in order to improve the wind circulation. The general layout of the plan also consists lines coming out from the natural borders of Inciralti, a connection between pier and combination of different lines.

Placement of the spaces on their locations. Gardens will be located between two residental stripes. A productional square with an agricultural merit will be located on the western site of Inciralti. At the intersection between the pier and well being center a public space will be located there which will be called as "Square of Assesment" which will play the role of a portal between stressful Izmir Uurban life and the new Inciralti vision.

A view of a bar located in the "Square of Asssesment" under the huge roof structures with a specific design language.

A site section which shows the relationships between the masterplan elements. With the usage of hills on the southern side of Inciralti the site will actually turn its back to the city since it will become a place that people want to escape in the future. Between the residental units you can see the gardens for recreational/visual purposes surrounded by a electrical tram system. 

In this site section you can get a notion of where the "Square of Assessment" will be located in relation with the other elements such as pier, residentals and gardens.

A future lighting feautre which will be used in the streets of the masterplan. Lights collect their energy by the simple panel on its top with the support of the wind hole. The language of the design also goes well with the basic language of the entire area.

Some design visions which will be located as seperate amenities in the masterplanned area. There will be several different juxtapositionings of the same design in order to keep the consistancy in the architectural language of the area.