18 Mayıs 2014 Pazar

WEEK 12 - Landscape Design

Landscape design contributes to overall design by continuing to apply the existing design lines. The main corridors are shaped by the main circulation routes such as seen as the geometry from the tram stop through the project entrance.

There is also a shift from the curvylinear understanding of the nature through the orthogonal understanding of the project

Tthe tram stp which is a important node for circultaion in the project

Plan view of the central plaza which is aimed to become a important public space in the project with bringing people together with different aims.. Stairs + Artwork + Queen palm trees + rock sand for the ground cover.

Interaction between the elements which is

1. The artwork which will become a node in the project
2.The stairs are perfect for sitting and observing people
3.People walking will also become a part of this all interaction

The process of the creation of the artwork, the logic is simple - two papers onto one other, one will be twisted and be put on to it. Tthe space that will be left bleak will be for water.

Plan view of the interaction of other elements on the waterfront side. Caponies + Waterfront panels which will be made from bamboo in order to achieve new visual opportunities + Washington palm trees + Grass

An example of the canopy which will be a good urban element for seating/resting and shelter.

Combination of the queen palm tree and rocky sand ground for the ground cover. Tthis combination of two will create a interesting visual quality which i believe will be perfect for this project

Washington palm trees which will be used with grass for ground cover

9 Mayıs 2014 Cuma

WEEK 11 - Plan Development & Introduction to Landscaping

Building layout changed in the plan because of the lack of movement in the placement of the blocks. This actually solved 2 problem in the previous scheme. In the previous scheme gallery of past which is the most important building, did not stand out much as it needed so with the lines coming from the masterplan axis' gallery of past shifted towards the east a little. With this way when a person walks in one of the boulevards he/she will felt that there is a spatial change and this will make his/her notice to the building which is gallery of past.


Interior fittings and developments were done by hand in order to understand the scale more efficiently.

Masterplan is yet to be started and developed next week but here are some examples with certain spatial qualities. Tthe landscaped are should act as a glue between the buildings and it should excite people instead of boring them as a big open area. The decision is yet to be given if the landscaped area will have organic lines just like to side or orthogonal lines klike the buildings...One ting is certain the basic understanding with clean lines will be continued with lots of canopies and roofs!

3 Mayıs 2014 Cumartesi

WEEK 10 - Solar Exposure Analysis & Facade Creation

Here is the final 3 typologies which will physically create the project itself. All 3 typologies will be realized with the modular construction method.


Heavy gray walls in the typology 2 will carry the building in terms of structure. It will also help the water collection from roof.

Building typologies final version

Another step was creating a facade which comes out from solar exposure analysis. Since Izmir is a really hot and uncomfortable place in Summers the analysis was based on mid-Summer time.

Here is the definition which created the solar exposure/heat analysis for the mid of the summertime.

According to these analysis the facade is suppose to change depending on the changes in the solar exposure. Blue areas which are low solar exposure will have bigger openings while openings in the yellow facades will be significantly smaller. With this way a person who looks at the facade will able to notice the difference

Here is the facade changing its opening sizes depending on the solar exposure. The relation between the type 1 and type 2 is also quite visible in the drawing as well.